Clive Speaks

When caught talking in class at school, aged nine, Clive was tasked to speak for five minutes on the importance of not talking in class, so he did, and has never really stopped since... but seriously, Clive's speakership includes:

  • SORTED: Taming Personal, Professional and Business Challenges with Smart Leadership Skills

  • Breakthrough: Accelerating Individual and Organisational Performance

  • But Wait, There's More: Inspiration for the Successful

  • Crocodile Wrangling: Managing Change Resistance as Organisations Adopt AI

  • Critical Curves After Crises: Stick, Pivot or Shift?

  • Intuition: the Sum of All Skills

Trained in Speakership by Matt Church, Clive’s experience as a speaker spans international commercial and academic business conferences across America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

Clive can tailor his practised keynotes to suit any audience and is happy to develop bespoke presentations.